Center to Close the Opportunity Gap

Introducing the New Clearinghouse!

Check out the Clearinghouse-a virtual library of searchable resources- all with the goal of closing the opportunity gaps in CA. These resources focus on the whole child including academic, social emotional, behavioral, and college and career readiness. Resources are free to use and to share. 

Have a great resource to share-a practice, program or policy that is working to close the opportunity gap in CA? SUBMIT IT HERE!

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Clearinghouse Resources by Category

Resources for teachers (general and special education teachers), school counselors, school psychologists, and other support staff to close the opportunity gap.
Resources for developing and enhancing coursework and fieldwork that close the opportunity gap for both educator candidates and PK-12 students.
Resources for coaches and professional development leaders to support teachers in closing the opportunity gap.
Resources for school and district leaders to support closing the opportunity gap.
Resources for families and community stakeholders that support schools and districts to close the opportunity gap.